Window Tint Damage and Repair Approaches
At Pro Tint Utah, we’re proud to offer comprehensive services when it comes to window tinting and vehicle paint protection. Not only do we perform high-quality tint and protective substance installations or upgrades, we’re also happy to assist clients with previous tint jobs from other manufacturers – including some that may not have been done so well.
We also understand that our clients vary in terms of vehicle and related component expertise – some may easily possess the skills to handle a tint issue on a DIY basis, while others are not so knowledgeable and will need the assistance of our team. Whatever your level of expertise here, let’s go over some important factors to consider when it comes to repairing window tint issues, including important warranty variables plus a few specific tint issues that may crop up if you use a less experienced installer.
Warranty Concerns
Vehicle warranties are a very important area to consider whether you’ll attempt to fix a window tint issue on your own versus taking it to a professional – in multiple ways, too. For starters, many professional tint jobs will come with a warranty, and those who are still under it should return to the installer for any fixes that are covered.
If this is not the case, and the tint issue is not covered by a warranty, you have to be very careful that any action taken to remedy it does not void your entire vehicle’s warranty in the process. There are some vehicles where this might be the case, especially if you attempt these fixes on your own and don’t take the to professionals. You should strongly consider warranty before moving forward with any such repairs, especially on your own.
Our next several sections will look at some basic tips for DIY repairs in common tint issue areas, should you determine this is the prudent approach to take.
Peeling Tint
In some cases, peeling tint can be repaired by rinsing it in soap and water, then using a squeegee to re-stick it while smoothing out any bubbles. Usually, though, peeled tint will require cutting away the damaged area with a razor blade, then cutting a new section of tint and reapplying it to the area. If you’re doing this, be sure to use the same tinting film that was originally used.
Wrinkled Tint
For wrinkled tint, spray the edges of the affected area with distilled water, then lift the window tint from the area using a razor. Spray water on both the film underside and the glass, then use a squeegee to press it firmly back onto the window, beginning on the inside and working outward. Let it sit for an hour – if this does not work, you’ll have to use the same replacement method listed above.
Tint Bubbles
If you notice tint bubbles very soon after tint has been installed, our best advice is to wait a bit: These usually go away within a couple weeks, or perhaps even longer if it’s cold outside. Larger bubbles that do not go away after this period can be pricked with a pin and then smoothed – but if you have a ton of these bubbles, this is an installation defect and you should be asking for a redone job from the manufacturer.
For more on how to approach tint damage or repair needs, or to learn about any of our window tint, paint protection or other services, speak to the staff at Pro Tint Utah today.